The Knights of Pythias Tustin Lodge #85
Friendship - Charity - Benevolence
Friendship - Charity - Benevolence
The Knights of Pythias is an organization named after the Greek story of Damon and Pythias, two friends who were willing to die for one another. The story goes that Damon had criticized the king of Syracuse for obtaining the throne by fraud. Damon was condemned to death, however before being executed, he wanted the chance to see his wif
The Knights of Pythias is an organization named after the Greek story of Damon and Pythias, two friends who were willing to die for one another. The story goes that Damon had criticized the king of Syracuse for obtaining the throne by fraud. Damon was condemned to death, however before being executed, he wanted the chance to see his wife and child one last time. His friend, Pythias, offered to stand in Damon’s place should Damon not come back.
The founder of the Knights of Pythias, Justus H. Rathbone, based the founding principles of the order (Friendship, Charity and Benevolence) on this story which at the time had been turned into a popular play.
The order was officially established in 1868 via congressional charter approved by President Abraham Lincoln, and was the first fraternal organization to be chartered by Congress in the United States. Lincoln believed that the founding principles of the order would promote national unity following the Civil War.
If you would like to join our fraternal order. Please complete the membership form or you can email us.
Chancellor Commander: JJ Marx
Vice Chancellor: JT Davis
Prelate: Gianluca Allesina
Master of Work: Dave Klokochar
Secretary: Robert Lamb
Financial Secretary: Brett Olivier
Treasurer: Jake Klokochar
Master of Arms: Ugo Allesina
Inner Guard: Michael Perez A
Outer Guard: Ronald Perez
Adam Buttons
Albert Hanna
Andy Widin
Bob Aleman
Brad Coffman
Brent Evans
Brett Olivier
Brett Tuchman
Brian Bauer
Bruce Bauer
Cesar Perez
Chuck Schubert
Clyde Cassey
Dave Klokochar
David Peay
Duane Owens
Eric "Zeke" Zeker
Eric Gallegos
Frank Rose
Frederic Cannon
Gary Siegman
Greg Siegman
Jake Klokochar
James Marx
Jerry Unis
Jim Moody
John Arnold
John Rose
Jon Cartwright
Jorge Vasquez
Jose Ramirez
Joshua Sarinas
Keith Costello
Kent Epperson
Kevin Stead
Lance Pinkham
Marshall Sigman
Michael Collins
Michael Deprete
Michael Rose
Mike Antuna
Peter Goetz
Ray Santos
Robert Hendricks Jr.
Robert Lamb
Ron Perez
Ruben Ramirez
Sang Om
Simon Palmer
Steven Hong
Thomas Rose
Tracy Till
Ugo Allesina
Van Yamamoto
Victor Anderson
397 El Camino Real Tustin, CA 92780
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.